我是用yum方式安装的Opengauss,超级用户就是opengauss。 [root@opengauss1 ~]# [root@opengauss1 ~]# su - opengauss Last login: Tue May 17 11:05:36 CST 2022 Welcome to 5.10.0- System information as of time: Tue May 17 11:05:57 AM CST 2022 System load: 1.29 Processes: 133 Memory used: 9.7% Swap used: 0% Usage On: 14% IP address: IP address: Users online: 1 To run a command as administrator(user "root"),use "sudo <command>". [opengauss@opengauss1 ~]$ [opengauss@opengauss1 ~]$ [opengauss@opengauss1 ~]$ gsql gsql ((GaussDB Kernel V500R002C00 build ) compiled at 2022-03-30 05:12:20 commit 0 last mr ) Non-SSL connection (SSL connection is recommended when requiring high-security) Type "help" for help. opengauss=# opengauss=# \lu Invalid command \lu. Try \? for help. opengauss=# opengauss=# \du List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member of -----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------- tommy | | {} opengauss | Sysadmin, Create role, Create DB, Replication, Administer audit, Monitoradmin, Operatoradmin, Policyadmin, UseFT | {} opengauss=# opengauss=# alter user opengauss identified by 'Opengauss123'; ERROR: The old password can not be NULL, please input your old password with 'replace' grammar. opengauss=# opengauss=# 现在忘记了opengauss 初始密码,改不了opengauss的密码了。 发件人: LeYi Zhang 发送时间: 2022-05-17 10:56 收件人: zhang_xb; community; tommy 主题: [Community] Re:回复: 请问如何修改opengauss 用户的密码? 如果忘记了某个用户的密码,需要使用超级用户,比如init user omm,在数据库本机上登陆进数据库,然后执行alter suer username identified by new_password; 超级用户修改其他用户密码,无需提供原始密码。 -- Kamus <kamusis@gmail.com> 在 2022年5月16日 +0900 17:53,tommy <sz_cuitao@163.com>,写道:
opengauss=# opengauss=# alter user opengauss with password 'Opengauss123'; ERROR: The old password can not be NULL, please input your old password with 'replace' grammar. opengauss=# opengauss=#
发件人: zhang_xb 发送时间: 2022-05-16 16:50 收件人: tommy; community 主题: [Community] 回复: 请问如何修改opengauss 用户的密码? 这样试下,直接设置看看: alter user opengauss with password 'xxxx@123';
------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "tommy" <sz_cuitao@163.com>; 发送时间: 2022年5月16日(星期一) 下午4:39 收件人: "community"<community@opengauss.org>;
主题: [Community] 请问如何修改opengauss 用户的密码?
opengauss=# alter user opengauss identified by 'Opengauss123' REPLACE ''; ERROR: The old password is invalid. opengauss=# opengauss=# opengauss=# opengauss=# opengauss=# alter user opengauss identified by 'Opengauss123' REPLACE 'opengauss'; ERROR: The old password is invalid. opengauss=# opengauss=#
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