2 Dec
2 Dec
10:07 a.m.
您好: openGauss社区新增贡献者公司组织分布功能,如果您愿意将自己的贡献归属到公司、组织,请把自己的gitee账号与公司、组织名称进行绑定,已通过提pr的形式提交到data.yaml【1】文档中,格式详见【2】,多谢~~~~!!!! Hi: The openGauss community has added a new contributor company organization distribution function. If you are willing to attribute your contribution to a company or organization, please add your gitee account to the company and organization name, and have been submitted to data.yam[ 1], see[2] for the format, thank you~~~~! ! ! ! ! ! 【1】https://gitee.com/opengauss/community/blob/master/om-data/data.yaml 【2】https://gitee.com/opengauss/community/blob/master/om-data/readme_cn.md 【3】https://gitee.com/opengauss/community/blob/master/om-data/readme.md