Hi Edison, Thank for you to raise this discussion. Could you please let us know what problems exist now, or in other words what issues you are trying to solve? My opinion is that blog belongs more to community operation than infra technology, thus it should belongs to the SIG who is responsible for community operation. My 1 cent. Regards Fred 李永乐 From: Xiangxinyong (Edison) Sent: Friday, April 8, 2022 9:28 PM To: community@opengauss.org; infra@opengauss.org; docs@opengauss.org Cc: Kangyang <kangyang@huawei.com>; gongsiyi <gongsiyi1@huawei.com>; Zhongjun (A) <jun.zhongjun@huawei.com>; kamusis@gmail.com Subject: 关于Blog仓库属于哪个SIG组的讨论 Hey Team, 当前openGauss社区https://gitee.com/opengauss/blog仓库是属于SIG Infra进行管理的,最初的考虑是Blog属于网站的内容。 https://gitee.com/opengauss/tc/blob/master/sigs.yaml#L31-36 考虑到Blog与文档也是相关的,我们是否需要把Blog仓库划分到SIG Docs进行管理? 或者SIG Infra与SIG Docs对Blog仓库进行协作管理? 期待大家的反馈和建议。 Best Regards, Edison Xiang