目前从社区上看,好像只有linux环境安装介质来安装opengauss的数据库版本,有没有windows环境安装介质 ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "community-request" <community-request@opengauss.org>; 发送时间: 2021年8月31日(星期二) 下午2:31 收件人: "云帆"<594355826@qq.com>; 主题: Welcome to the "Community" mailing list Welcome to the "Community" mailing list! To post to this list, send your email to: community@opengauss.org You can unsubscribe or make adjustments to your options via email by sending a message to: community-request@opengauss.org with the word 'help' in the subject or body (don't include the quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions. You will need your password to change your options, but for security purposes, this password is not included here. If you have forgotten your password you will need to reset it via the web UI. 欢迎您加入"Community"邮件列表! 如果您需要发起讨论,请直接发送邮件到: community@opengauss.org 如果您需要取消订阅或者调整您的的订阅参数,请发送邮件到: community-request@opengauss.org

当前openGauss不支持windows,没有windows的安装介质。 发件人: 云帆 [mailto:594355826@qq.com] 发送时间: 2021年8月31日 14:34 收件人: community <community@opengauss.org> 主题: [Community] 有没有windows版本介质的opengauss数据库 目前从社区上看,好像只有linux环境安装介质来安装opengauss的数据库版本,有没有windows环境安装介质 ________________________________ ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "community-request" <community-request@opengauss.org<mailto:community-request@opengauss.org>>; 发送时间: 2021年8月31日(星期二) 下午2:31 收件人: "云帆"<594355826@qq.com<mailto:594355826@qq.com>>; 主题: Welcome to the "Community" mailing list Welcome to the "Community" mailing list! To post to this list, send your email to: community@opengauss.org<mailto:community@opengauss.org> You can unsubscribe or make adjustments to your options via email by sending a message to: community-request@opengauss.org<mailto:community-request@opengauss.org> with the word 'help' in the subject or body (don't include the quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions. You will need your password to change your options, but for security purposes, this password is not included here. If you have forgotten your password you will need to reset it via the web UI. 欢迎您加入"Community"邮件列表! 如果您需要发起讨论,请直接发送邮件到: community@opengauss.org<mailto:community@opengauss.org> 如果您需要取消订阅或者调整您的的订阅参数,请发送邮件到: community-request@opengauss.org<mailto:community-request@opengauss.org>
participants (2)