注册opengauss社区账号 On 8/2/2022 15:35,<community-confirm+24ba83f9ff17d5900f5898b9469407fa533b37b8@opengauss.org> wrote: 邮箱订阅确认 您好,这是opengauss.org的邮件列表服务。 我们收到来自以下邮箱的注册请求: ct0986@126.com 在开始使用本站的邮件列表服务之前,请确认这是您的邮箱。你可以通过回复此消息来 进行确认,请保持回信的主题不变。 若您不想注册该邮箱,请忽略此消息。若您怀疑自己被恶意订阅了该列表或有其他任何 疑问,请联系: community-owner@opengauss.org Email Address Registration Confirmation Hello, this is the GNU Mailman server at opengauss.org. We have received a registration request for the email address ct0986@126.com Before you can start using GNU Mailman at this site, you must first confirm that this is your email address. You can do this by replying to this message, keeping the Subject header intact. If you do not wish to register this email address, simply disregard this message. If you think you are being maliciously subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, you may contact community-owner@opengauss.org
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