15 Jun
15 Jun
6:45 p.m.
各位好, 申请议题:<=>/kill/set password/is_ipv4/is_ipv6 设计方案评审。 赵思骑 联通数字科技有限公司-云计算事业部 地 址:北京市海淀区农大南路1号硅谷亮城3A座 手 机:18515681006 邮 箱:zhaosq76@chinaunicom.cn<mailto:zhaosq76@chinaunicom.cn> 如果您错误接收了该邮件,请通过电子邮件立即通知我们。请回复邮件到 hqs-spmc@chinaunicom.cn,即可以退订此邮件。我们将立即将您的信息从我们的发送目录中删除。 If you have received this email in error please notify us immediately by e-mail. Please reply to hqs-spmc@chinaunicom.cn ,you can unsubscribe from this mail. We will immediately remove your information from send catalogue of our.