您好! openGauss QA SIG 邀请您参加 2023-02-03 15:00 召开的Zoom会议(自动录制) 会议主题:QA sig例会 会议链接:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82371320454?pwd=YXA2Nm4wKzJwVlZRWEdPMjkzbVowdz09 温馨提醒:建议接入会议后修改参会人的姓名,也可以使用您在gitee.com的ID 提前申报议题请编辑:https://etherpad.opengauss.org/p/QA-meetings 更多资讯尽在:https://opengauss.org/zh/ Hello! openGauss QA SIG invites you to attend the Zoom conference(auto recording) will be held at 2023-02-03 15:00, The subject of the conference is QA sig例会, You can join the meeting at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82371320454?pwd=YXA2Nm4wKzJwVlZRWEdPMjkzbVowdz09. Note: You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at gitee.com. Add topics: https://etherpad.opengauss.org/p/QA-meetings More information: https://opengauss.org/en/

2023.02.03 QA sig例会 与会人:李岩松(华为)、张翱(华为)、肖杰(华为)、张长军(华为)、附雄道(华为)、张航(华为)、雷帅(华为)、肖雪(恩墨)、陈战彪(恩墨)、廖诗婷(海量)、苏晋豫(电子科大)、张森(中山大学) 会议议题: 1、openGauss 5.0.0测试方案初审&任务分配 2、openGauss兼容Mysql JSON函数测试报告评审 3、opengauss mysql 兼容性语法和函数测试方案评审 会议结论: 1、openGauss 5.0.0测试方案初审通过 2、openGauss兼容Mysql JSON函数测试报告评审通过 3、opengauss mysql 兼容性语法和函数测试方案评审,测试报告评审不通过,性能不达标 遗留问题: 1、openGauss 5.0.0特性级测试策略刷新 --- 李岩松,陈战彪 2023.2.10 2、openGauss兼容Mysql JSON函数测试报告评审意见闭环 --- 苏晋豫 2023.2.6 3、opengauss mysql 兼容性语法和函数测试方案评审意见闭环 --- 张森 2023.2.6 -- 李岩松 Yansong Li E-mail: yansong_lee@163.com 在 2023-02-03 08:53:05,"openGauss conference" <public@opengauss.org> 写道:
openGauss QA SIG 邀请您参加 2023-02-03 15:00 召开的Zoom会议(自动录制)
会议主题:QA sig例会
openGauss QA SIG invites you to attend the Zoom conference(auto recording) will be held at 2023-02-03 15:00,
The subject of the conference is QA sig例会,
You can join the meeting at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82371320454?pwd=YXA2Nm4wKzJwVlZRWEdPMjkzbVowdz09.
Note: You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at gitee.com.
Add topics: https://etherpad.opengauss.org/p/QA-meetings
More information: https://opengauss.org/en/
participants (2)
openGauss conference