Please feel free to add your topic what you want to discuss here. Meeting Topic Feedback: https://etherpad.opengauss.org/p/tc-2020-06-05 Thanks. Best Regards, Edison Xiang ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "Tianwengang"<tianwengang@huawei.com>; 发送时间: 2020年6月3日(星期三) 下午3:29 收件人: "tc@opengauss.org"<tc@opengauss.org>; 抄送: "Songtao (Allen, Gauss)"<allen.song@huawei.com>; 主题: [TC] Please join the TC biweekly meeting and discuss how to improve the TC governance. Meeting Time: 2020-06-05 14:15~15:15 UTC+8 Beijing Time Meeting Link: https://welink-meeting.zoom.us/j/822379951 Meeting Topic Feedback: https://etherpad.opengauss.org/p/tc-2020-06-05 Please add your topic by the above Meeting Topic Feedback link. Thanks very much.