最近在对比CALC的论文研究MOT检查点代码,发现capture阶段向磁盘写数据的代码,好像没有实现CALC论文中所讲的pCALC,每次做checkpoint,将MOT表所有记录都写到磁盘文件(CheckpointWorkerPool::WriteTableDataFile)中,而不是只保存修改了的记录,我找不到实现pCALC的代码,这样做checkpoint是不是代价太大了?而且我在代码中发现"MOT does not support incremental checkpoint",这是不是说目前不支持CALC中的pCALC?如果我的理解有问题,请纠正。
Recently, I was studying the MOT checkpoint code comparing with CALC paper, and found no implemention of pCALC, which means, in the capture phase, all MOT records are written to the disk(CheckpointWorkerPool::WriteTableDataFile), not just updated records. Is it too expensive to save all records of MOT tables? And I found some messages in code like "MOT does not support incremental checkpoint", does that mean pCALC is not supported in OpenGauss currently?Please correct me, if my understanding is wrong.
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