openGauss Plugin SIG 邀请您参加 2022-09-06 16:00 召开的Zoom会议(自动录制)
会议主题:Plugin SIG例会
会议内容: 2022-09-06 Plugin SIG例会 1. show create function/procedure/table/view/trigger,is_ipv4_compat/is_ipv4_mapped() checkin评审(联通 钱龙) 2. 兼容mysql reorganize分区表checkin评审(王修强-云和恩墨) 3. gant/revoke proxy, checksum table 设计方案评审(联通 罗浩) 4. ALTER/DROP TABLESPACE; CREATE TABLE LIKE语法兼容设计评审(彭炯)
openGauss Plugin SIG invites you to attend the Zoom conference(auto recording) will be held at 2022-09-06 16:00,
The subject of the conference is Plugin SIG例会,
Summary: 2022-09-06 Plugin SIG例会 1. show create function/procedure/table/view/trigger,is_ipv4_compat/is_ipv4_mapped() checkin评审(联通 钱龙) 2. 兼容mysql reorganize分区表checkin评审(王修强-云和恩墨) 3. gant/revoke proxy, checksum table 设计方案评审(联通 罗浩) 4. ALTER/DROP TABLESPACE; CREATE TABLE LIKE语法兼容设计评审(彭炯)
You can join the meeting at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82373842229?pwd=V1BKeHA4Vmczc2ZsdS9FMjhuaDd3dz09.
Note: You are advised to change the participant name after joining the conference or use your ID at gitee.com.
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More information: https://opengauss.org/en/